
Gardaí recover weapon and car used in attempted Killarney post office robbery

Feb 18, 2022 17:33 By radiokerrynews
Gardaí recover weapon and car used in attempted Killarney post office robbery
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Gardaí have recovered what they believe are the weapon and car used in connection with an attempted armed robbery at a post office in Killarney.

A man entered the post office on the town's New Street at 10.30am armed with a shotgun and threatened staff.

He left he scene with nothing and was driven away in a black Toyota.


Gardaí recovered what they believe are the weapon and car near the town this afternoon.

They are still searching for the suspect.

Inspector Gearóid Thompson says they're looking to speak to people who were in in the Beech Road and New Street areas of Killarney between 9 and 10.30 this morning.


Meanwhile gardaí are carrying out door-to-door inquiries following a break-in and an attempted car theft in Headford, 10 miles outside Killarney.

The incidents happened around 11.30 last night.


Gardaí are satisfied that the attempted robbery of the building, Headford Post Office, wasn't successful.
There was an attempted theft of a car near the post office.

Inspector Thompson says they're carrying out door-to-door inquiries and are also looking at the possibility if the Headford incidents are linked to the attempted robbery in Killarney.

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