
Gardai and KCC urge responsible parking at beaches

Aug 13, 2020 09:28 By radiokerrynews
Gardai and KCC urge responsible parking at beaches
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Gardai and Kerry County Council are again appealing for motorists to park responsibly when visiting public beaches and amenity areas in the county. There has

Gardai and Kerry County Council are again appealing for motorists to park responsibly when visiting public beaches and amenity areas in the county.

There has been parking issues at beaches and amenity areas throughout Kerry in recent weeks in which vehicles have been blocked in and roadways obstructed.

Gardai say this has caused huge inconvenience to people and can create a dangerous situation when emergency vehicles cannot have access to areas.


Superintendent Flor Murphy appealed to people to park responsibly and to think about others.

He said An Garda Síochána will be paying particular attention to this for the remainder of the holiday season and on the spot fines will be issued in relation to any illegal and dangerous parking.

Supt Murphy said that when you do park up, make sure all valuables are taken with you and that the vehicle is locked.


He encouraged everyone to continue to protect each other by maintaining social distancing whilst out at these locations.

Cathaoirleach of Kerry County Council, Cllr Patrick Connor Scarteen added to the appeal saying we are lucky to have such beautiful beaches in Kerry, but we are asking visitors to act responsibility while enjoying the beaches.

He said this includes parking responsibly, to allow emergency vehicles access the beaches should somebody require emergency attention, and being conscious of the local residents.











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