Funding is available to develop creativity projects for children and young people in the county.
Kerry Local Creative Youth Partnership (Kerry LCYP) at Kerry Education and Training Board has announced two strands of grant aid available. It's for community-based organisations, youth service providers, early years' settings, youth groups, and creative practitioners.
The applications are being sought under the Creative Youth Grant Scheme and the Youth Theatre Grant Scheme for projects that are child and youth led, highly creative, and can be realised in 2022. Application forms can be downloaded from, and Irish language versions are available on
To support communities in finding creative professionals who can work with young people, the LCYP has developed a listing online on the ETB website.
A public session about the grants process has been organised online for January 7th; registration is necessary by emailing
The closing date for receipt of applications to the Youth Theatre Grant Scheme is January 21st, while the closing date for applications to the Creative Youth Grant Scheme is January 28th.