
Fewer than 1% of Kerry applicants have actually received money under vacant property grant

May 29, 2024 13:26 By radiokerrynews
Fewer than 1% of Kerry applicants have actually received money under vacant property grant
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Just four of the 451 applicants for the vacant property refurbishment grant in Kerry have actually received any money.

That’s according to an update from Kerry County Council, provided at its recent meeting.

A further 13 applicants are due to receive payment following legal formalities.


The Vacant Property Refurbishment Grant is distributed by local authorities, from a central government fund called Croí Cónaithe.

Grants of up to €50,000 are available to renovate a vacant property, and up to €70,000 for a derelict property.

At the recent meeting of Kerry County Council, Independent councillor Brendan Cronin requested a breakdown of the current status of applications for the grant in Kerry.


Since the grant was introduced in 2022, there have been 451 applications received for the grant in Kerry, with 137 approved.

Of these applications, just four had been paid as of 13th May, which is fewer than 1% of all applications.

A further 13 applications are currently with solicitors to conclude legal formalities prior to payment.


Of the other applications, 46 were incomplete, 11 were withdrawn, and 47 were refused, while 57 applications were closed.

There are 140 applications for which further information was requested, while 13 are at review.

In February, the council’s Director of Housing Martin O’Donoghue criticised the standard of applications being received, while there has also been criticism of the conditions attached to the grant.


Fianna Fáil councillor Norma Moriarty said the current deadline of 13 months to complete works is too short, and a deadline of 18 months would be more realistic.

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