
Environmentalist says a million polystyrene microbeads polluted South Kerry beach

Jul 14, 2022 13:53 By radiokerrynews
Environmentalist says a million polystyrene microbeads polluted South Kerry beach
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An environmentalist says over a million polystyrene microbeads have polluted a beach in South Kerry.

Vincent Hyland of the Wild Derrynane group says the microbeads on Derrynane beach came from a buoy that struck rocks.

Vincent Hyland says volunteers have been cleaning Derrynane beach since the middle of June, spending 100 hours in the clean-up effort.


Such pollution puts marine life at risk, as seabirds and other marine animals eat these beads, mistaking them for plankton:

Mr Hyland fears some of these polystyrene microbeads may remain there for years:


Kerry County Council says it was alerted to the issue on June 15th and attended on site.

It says it contacted the owners of the buoy, who co-operated and helped with the clean-up, along with volunteers.

The council says it’s raised concerns generally about the use of Styrofoam beads in buoys with the Department of the Marine.




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