A renowned environmentalist has appealed the decision to allow a major solar panel development in Banna to the national planning body.
Kerry County Council had granted planning permission to Banna Beach Resort to construct around 1,500 solar panels in lands adjacent to the resort.
This has now been appealed to An Bórd Pleanála by environmentalist Peter Sweetman.
Banna Beach Resort applied for planning to build 1,500 ground-mounted solar panels, fixed to metal frames, over around 3,500 square metres.
The development, on unused lands to the south of the existing resort, would produce a maximum of over 800 kilowatts.
Environmentalist Peter Sweetman made a submission on the application that because this development is within the zone of influence of a Special Area of Conservation, appropriate assessment is required.
Kerry County Council noted the only potential pathway for impact to the Akeragh, Banna and Barrow Harbour SAC is the potential for impact on water quality.
In its appropriate assessment screening, the council concluded there is no realistic potential to effect water quality, given the minor nature of the works required.
The council concluded there was no need for a natura impact statement or stage two appropriate assessment, because it was beyond reasonable scientific doubt that the works are not likely to effect the European Natura site.
The council granted permission subject to five conditions, but Mr Sweetman has now appealed this to An Bórd Pleanála.
The national planning body has set a date of 22nd April this year, by which it will make a decision.