
Environmental reports not needed for proposed Waterville car park

Mar 26, 2021 17:20 By radiokerrynews
Environmental reports not needed for proposed Waterville car park
Photo: Valerie O'Sullivan
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An Bord Pleanála says there's no need for an environmental impact assessment in connection with the contentious development of a carpark in Waterville.

An Bord Pleanála says there's no need for an environmental impact assessment in connection with the contentious development of a carpark in Waterville.

Kerry County Council wants to extend and improve the seafront car park, but many locals are against the plan.

The Council will be proceeding to finalise the Chief Executive's Report on the Part VIII planning process which will be brought before a meeting of Kenmare Municipal District in the near future.


Kerry County Council's plan to develop the seafront carpark in Waterville has been the subject of controversy, causing a local action group to protest outside a Kenmare municipal district meeting last year.

The group says the proposed carpark is a valuable green area in the town, part of the scenery of Waterville and is used for festivals.

They were supported by Friends of the Irish Environment who wrote to all County Councillors in Kerry, urging them to refuse the proposal saying the open green space should be kept as it is.


However, in its decision An Bord Pleanála said the limited scale and nature of the proposed development and its location on lands that are zoned for built up area and open space use would not be likely to have significant effects on the environment.

The Bord did not recommend the submission of an environmental impact assessment report.

It also said that a Natura Impact Statement for the proposed development is not required on similar grounds.


The decision gives a boost to Kerry County Council's plan to develop the carpark.

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