
Over €2.6 million for active travel and climate change adaptation measures in Kerry

Aug 31, 2020 18:03 By radiokerrynews
Over €2.6 million for active travel and climate change adaptation measures in Kerry
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Over €2.6 million is being allocated for active travel and climate change adaptation measures in Kerry.

Deputy Government Chief Whip and Kerry Fine Gael TD, Brendan Griffin said the funding under the Government’s July Jobs Stimulus Plan is part of a €115 million package for sustainable transport and the renewal of our transport infrastructure.


Deputy Brendan Griffin says the Active Travel grant scheme will see communities across Kerry benefiting from improved and more accessible walking and cycling infrastructure as well as stimulating local employment.

14 schemes costing € 1,907,500 have been approved in Kerry including €450,000 for a new cycleway from Muckross Road to Ross Road in Killarney, €400,000 to extend the pedestrian zone in The Mall, Tralee and €350,000 for new pedestrian and cycling facilities through the Island of Geese in Tralee.

€698,500 is being made available for climate change adaptation measures under the Department’s regional and local road maintenance and renewal grant programme.


€100,000 will be used to replace a bridge damaged in a flash flood in 2015 at Gort Road, Kilgarvan and €80,000 is earmarked to repair an embankment at Carrahane, Ardfert damaged during storms earlier this year.


Active Travel grant scheme

  • R551 Tralee Town Centre Extension of pedestrian zone at The Mall.     € 400,000
  • R876 Killarney Town Centre    Improvement and widening of pedestrian facilities at Rock road (eastern side), which is the primary access route from large housing developments at Ballydribeen (north of the Killarney By-Pass) to the schools on New Road Killarney. Will also improve linkage from bus park on Rock Road to schools.                    € 210,000
  • L-3905 Killarney Town   New Cycleway connecting Muckross Road to Ross road - existing footpath on this section of Muckross Road is substandard and road widths restrict development of cycling facilities.            € 450,000
  • L-6728 Tralee Town Centre        Construction of new pedestrian and cycling facilities through Island of Geese site from the junction of the R874 (Matt Talbot Road) and Strand Street to the town centre. This is the main access route from the Marina Bus and Car Park to the town centre.           € 350,000
  • R876, L3902, L3910         Killarney Town  Design of an interconnected network of cycleway in Killarney town                € 150,000
  • Killarney Town Provision of Cycle Parking facilities           € 20,000
  • L-4102 Dingle / Daingean Uí Chúis Town Centre                Widen existing footpath on the Northern side of Strand Street where temporary bollards have been provided to ensure adequate social distancing.             € 130,500
  • R-553 Listowel Town Centre    Improved crossing facilities in towns and villages including raised surfaces, zebra crossings and signalised crossings on Charles Street              € 20,000
  • L-2035 Castleisland Town            Feasibility Study a & design of pedestrian facility on Barrack Street to provide safe access to amenities, where existing bridge is very narrow     € 40,000
  • L-4052-15 Kenmare Town Provision of new or widened footpaths to link Housing Estates to schools and to promote active travel measures           € 10,000
  • R-551 Ballybunion Town            Provision of new or widened footpaths or cycle tracks.    € 47,000
  • R-551 Ballylongford Town         Design work in respect of the provision of a future pedestrian / cycle bridge to provide safe access across the river Aghanagran River in the centre of Ballylongford Village.           € 20,000
  • WAW Ballyheigue & Ballybunion            Provision of cycle parking facilities            € 30,000
  • R569 Kilgarvan Village               Extension of footpath for vulnerable pedestrians in a Care facility and to provide access to local sporting amenities             € 30,000


Climate Change Adaptation Allocations 2020   

  • R569 Morley's Bridge                 Remedial Works to road embankment  €40,000
  • L-7539 Gortnamackanee, Waterville (Glenmore Road)   A full bridge replacement is required on this road due to the existing structure collapsing as a result of the floods of 29th / 30th July 2020.          € 20,000
  • L3024 Gort Road, Kilgarvan       Replacement of Bridge damaged by flash flood on 15th August 2015         € 100,000
  • L-1023 Kilmorna Bridge Works at bridges to take account of increased hydraulic loads causing scour damage and undermining the bridge structure    € 75,000
  • L-1021 Knockanure        Works at bridges to take account of increased hydraulic loads causing scour damage and undermining the bridge structure    € 60,000
  • R551 Dromkeen Bridge, Causeway      Works at bridges to take account of increased hydraulic loads causing scour damage and undermining the bridge structure       € 20,000
  • L11185 Gortlahard Road               Remedial Works to road                € 37,500
  • L11186 Coomoughla Road           Remedial Works to Road               € 75,000
  • L8036 Lispole  Remedial works, the road was significantly damaged by severe weather events  in August 2020.     € 60,000
  • L3024 - 43 Inchees Road     Remedial Works to Road               € 50,000
  • L-10483 Carrahane, Ardfert, Tralee          Repair Works; Sluice and embankment damaged during Storm Ciara and Storm Dennis in February 2020. Embankment protects residential property and extensive road network. Roads have been subject to prolonged and frequent flooding, impacting on access to Ballyheighue and surrounding area.    € 80,000
  • L-4059-0 Ardea Tousist     Remedial works where roads have been significantly damaged by recent severe weather events  € 4,500
  • L-7050 Gortahoosh, Killarney    Altering the level of the road to mitigate flooding and reduce road closure frequency  €30,000
  • R551/ L10583 Castlecountess, Tralee   Works: Replacement of 2 (of 3) submersible pumps located along the main stormwater main serving the Castlecountess, Princes Quay area.     € 41,500
  • L-3025 Flynns Forge, Killarney   Preventative works such as drainage works to prevent flooding € 5,000


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