
Over €100,000 spent on Kerry councillors attending conferences and events last year

Jul 22, 2020 13:24 By radiokerrynews
Over €100,000 spent on Kerry councillors attending conferences and events last year
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Over €100,000 was spent on Kerry County Councillors attending conferences, seminars and other events last year. That’s according to details published in the

Over €100,000 was spent on Kerry County Councillors attending conferences, seminars and other events last year.

That’s according to details published in the council’s annual report for 2019.

The total payments made to councillors by Kerry County Council last year for attending meetings of local authority associations, conferences, seminars, training, or other meetings or events was over €73,000 (€73,337.30).


The majority of those travel and subsistence expenses were for events in Ireland, but €2,000 of the money was for travel outside of Ireland.

Registration fees paid to organisers for councillors attending conferences, seminars, training events or other meetings last year was €29,000 (€28,980.20).

The details were contained in Kerry County Council’s Annual Report for 2019, published at the local authority’s recent monthly meeting.



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