
Drugs valued at over half a million euro seized in Kerry last year

Jan 23, 2022 13:14 By radiokerrynews
Drugs valued at over half a million euro seized in Kerry last year
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Drugs valued at over half a million euro were seized in Kerry last year.

That’s according to Chief Superintendent of the Kerry Division, Eileen Foster, who was speaking at the recent Joint Policing Committee meeting.

Figures for last year show that 105 people in the Kerry Garda Division were charged with possession of drugs for sale or supply; that’s up 13% on the number for 2020.


Chief Superintendent of the Kerry Division, Eileen Foster says this is down to extra resources within the drugs unit.

She says they’ve been targeting suppliers, who are the drivers of the drugs trade, and the 13% increase in detections is very welcome.

She added that subject to formal analysis, approximately €540,000 worth of drugs were seized in Kerry last year; this was mainly cannabis, but she noted there’s an increase in cocaine.


Possession of drugs for personal use was down 4% in the Kerry Division last year, with 419 people charged with the offence.

Chief Superintendent of the Kerry Division, Eileen Foster says this is due to people not being out and about as much due to the pandemic.

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