
Disposable income in Kerry is 10% below the national average

Feb 9, 2024 17:18 By radiokerrynews
Disposable income in Kerry is 10% below the national average
Photo: Pixabay
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Disposable income of people in Kerry is below the national average.

That’s according to figures released by the Central Statistics Office.

The County Incomes and Regional GDP report for 2021, shows on average people in Dublin had the highest disposable income, while people in Donegal had the lowest.


The figures show that the average disposable income per person in Kerry was €21,937, 10% below the state average.

Disposable incomes refers to total household income minus taxes, but does not account for accommodation and other living costs.

The 2021 figure was a slight rise on the year before, when the average disposable income in the county was €21,610.


Kerry was 10% above the state average of Social Benefits including Other Transfers per person; at just over €7,750 (€7,751.1).

22% of compensation of employees (COE) in the county in 2021 - were attributed to foreign enterprises; while 78% were domestic enterprises.

Meanwhile, the South West region – comprising Kerry and Cork – accounted for €17.4 billion in disposable income; the second highest region in the state.

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