
Dingle pub refused permission for beer garden which made neighbours’ lives “living hell”

Jul 25, 2023 13:16 By radiokerrynews
Dingle pub refused permission for beer garden which made neighbours’ lives “living hell”
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A pub in Dingle has been refused permission to retain its beer garden, which neighbours said made their lives a living hell since 2019.

Bob Griffin’s Bar on Strand Street was originally refused permission to retain the beer garden by Kerry County Council, and that refusal has now been upheld by An Bórd Pleanála.

The Inspector wrote the refusal should be upheld to protect the residential amenities neighbouring it.


Permission was granted by the council to retain change of use of the existing ground floor accommodation on-site to public bar.

The council also granted retention permission for a single storey extension to the rear of the bar, consisting of toilets and a cold room.

Kerry County Council refused permission to retain the paved seating area and open serving area, which acted as a beer garden.


The council noted the beer garden would seriously injure the residential amenities and depreciate the value of residential properties in the vicinity due to the noise and disturbance generated.

That refusal was then appealed to An Bórd Pleanála, as the applicants claimed this is a more efficient use of the site, and is in line with government encouragement of outdoor gatherings over the past few years.

An Bórd Pleanála received third party observations from neighbouring residents, who wrote that the beer garden has made their lives a living hell.


Neighbours emphasised that they have always happily co-existed with public houses until the unauthorised activities at the site.

In her report, the Senior Planning Inspector wrote the decision to refuse permission for the external seating and serving area should be upheld on the grounds of protection of residential amenity.

She wrote its retention would inherently conflict with the proper planning and sustainable development of Dingle.


An Bórd Pleanála did uphold the retention permission for the change of use of the ground floor accommodation, and the extension.

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