
Councillor wants crossings moved further from roundabouts

Sep 23, 2024 15:31 By radiokerrynews
Councillor wants crossings moved further from roundabouts
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A Kerry councillor wants to see the end of the extremely dangerous situation where pedestrian crossings are placed too close to roundabouts.

Independent councillor Jackie Healy-Rae told this month’s full council meeting that this is a ludicrous situation which endangers drivers and pedestrians.

He said there are four or five junctions in particular in Kerry that need to be examined.


Cllr Healy-Rae asked the council to review and relocate any pedestrian crossings within a short distance of a roundabout, as they’re clearly unsafe for pedestrians and drivers.

Speaking on the motion at the meeting, he said there are a few junctions where there have been extreme cases, and named the roundabout by Daly’s SuperValu in Killarney as being particularly dangerous.

He said this is an extremely busy junction, and cars coming off the roundabout may suddenly have to jam on the brakes, and if they stop on the roundabout they may be side-swiped by a car coming around, or cause a back up of cars on the roundabout.


Cllr Healy-Rae added this is not at all about pedestrians being a nuisance, as it's unsafe for them as well as drivers.

The council’s response noted pedestrian crossings within a short distance of roundabouts are a feature of the road network, designed and installed with the relevant guidelines.

At the meeting, council CEO Martin O’Donoghue said there are reasons generally why this is done.


He said the designs are based partly on principles of human behaviour, and if the crossing was moved away from the corner, people would still cross at the corner at an unregulated crossing point.

Mr O’Donoghue said the council can absolutely look at particular pinpoints where this is an issue.


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