
Council to write to Health Minister asking for HIQA recommendations to be enacted in UHK

Apr 8, 2023 14:46 By radiokerrynews
Council to write to Health Minister asking for HIQA recommendations to be enacted in UHK
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The council is to write to the Minister for Health asking for recommendations from a recent HIQA report to be enacted in UHK.

The report, which was published at the end of February, found the emergency department in University Hospital Kerry to be grossly overcrowded and understaffed.

Fianna Fáil councillor Fionnán Fitzgerald brought a motion to the recent meeting of Kerry County Council.


Cllr Fionnán Fitzgerald says he's received numerous calls each week from people who are frustrated with the situation at UHK.

HIQA found the hospital was substantially behind many other similar-sized hospitals in its efforts to comply with standards, but acknowledged the hospital management team was in transition at the time of inspection.

The findings show the hospital was not compliant with five national standards; it was substantially compliant with two national standards and partially compliant with seven national standards.


Cllr Fitzgerald feels the hospital isn’t able to function properly and can’t handle issues that arise daily.

He says it’s clear the Government has to give every support to UHK.

He’s called on the council to write to Minister for Health Stephen Donnelly asking that the recommendations from the HIQA report be enacted upon with a timeframe for delivery and a built-in assessment of ongoing progress.


Following the release of the report, UHK management stated it took urgent action following the inspection, and is committed to working with HIQA for the continued benefit of its patients.

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