
Council to investigate issues surrounding flooding issues at Castleisland graveyard

Mar 22, 2024 09:44 By radiokerrynews
Council to investigate issues surrounding flooding issues at Castleisland graveyard
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Castleisland locals have appealed to Kerry County Council to address flooding issues at Killbannivane graveyard.

The cemetery has experienced flooding issues for over thirty years; with councillors told funding had previously been secured for upgrade works, but was stalled due to an objection.

Jack Shanahan and Jimmy O’Connell, from the Kilbannivane graveyard committee addressed the recent meeting of Castleisland-Corca Dhuibne MD, regarding the issue.


The deputation, which was brought before the meeting by Independent councillor, Charlie Farrelly, told the council of ongoing flooding issues at Kilbannivane graveyard in Castleisland.

The group highlighted three areas which they requested the council to address at the cemetery – flooding, pathways and maintenance.

Councillors heard the flooding in the burial ground has been occurring for over thirty years, and causing great distress to locals, in particular those with loved ones buried in the cemetery.


Jack Shanahan of the Kilbannivane graveyard committee, said the flooding has been intermittent; with between 6 inches to a foot of water sitting in used graves.

He added that in recent years a number of burials had to be stopped at the cemetery due to the issue.

Mr Shanahan asked the council to find a solution to the issue once and for all.


Cllr Farrelly told the council that drains installed years ago take no water from the graveyard. Adding you wouldn’t see such problems at Rath or Aghadoe cemeteries.

Cllr Bobby O’Connell said the flooding has been going on far too long and that it must be addressed with respect to those buried there and their families.

Cllr Fionnán Fitzgerald said a fresh approach must be taken to revisit how the council address the issue and that it must be done immediately.


Cllr Jackie Healy-Rae said it’s disappointing that funding was previously available for works at Kilbannivane but was stalled due to an objection. He says the solution to fixing the legacy issue is known and that’s to get funding.

In response, Frank Hartnett – Director of Roads & Transportation at Kerry County Council, confirmed it will take a fresh look at the issue; which he described as unacceptable.

Mr Hartnett said it will be examined and the council will be back in due course with a solution and funding source.


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