
Contract due to be awarded for solution to protruding Ballybunion rocks

Sep 15, 2022 13:16 By radiokerrynews
Contract due to be awarded for solution to protruding Ballybunion rocks
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A contract is expected to be awarded soon for the design of a solution to deal with large rocks protruding from the cliff face in Ballybunion.

The issue was raised recently by councillor Robert Beasley, who had first called on the council 10 months ago to remove the boulders for fear of them falling and causing injury.

Kerry County Council has now revealed that the Department of Transport through its Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Works programme has allocated funding to develop solutions.



Councillor Robert Beasley says the large rocks on Cliff Road and Glen Road in Ballybunion have become more exposed in recent months, and the extreme wet and dry warm weather are seriously affecting them.

He’s called for a solution before someone is seriously injured or killed.


€54,000 has been awarded to Kerry County Council for the Cliff Road, and €35,000 for the Glen Road, for the design of slope stabilisation works required due to earth slippages.

The design and development of a geotechnical solution for the two roads was put out to tender, and a successful tenderer identified.

It’s planned to award the contract in the coming weeks.


Under the Climate Change Adaptation and Resilience Works programme, Kerry County Council was also awarded €20,000 to design a solution for flood alleviation on the Ballynagare Road, Lixnaw, which regularly experiences flooding.


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