
Claims wedding photographs no longer allowed to be taken in Killarney National Park

Nov 11, 2021 13:04 By radiokerrynews
Claims wedding photographs no longer allowed to be taken in Killarney National Park
Purple Mountain over Muckross Lake,Muckross, Killarney Co. Kerry.
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It's being claimed that newly married couples are no longer allowed to take wedding photographs in Killarney National Park.

Labour councillor Marie Moloney says park rangers are now approaching couples and their photographers and asking them to leave the park.

Cllr Marie Moloney says as newly married couples have professional photographers, they must seek approval and get a permit.


However, she says she also spoke to two professional photographers who were recently taking pictures and videos of deer in the National Park recently and they weren't asked for a permit or licence.

Cllr Moloney says this is scandalous, adding local families have been taking wedding photographs in the park for generations; she also took her own wedding pictures there 41 years ago.

She says couples just go into the park at the nearest point and quickly take photos, adding they don't venture deep into the park.


Cllr Marie Moloney is calling on Kerry County Council to write to the National Park and Wildlife Service to convey its disappointment and disbelief at the situation.

The labour Cllrs says the park belongs to the people and this is not acceptable.

Her motion received unanimous support from her fellow councillors at the recent Killarney MD meeting.



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