
Calls for additional parking spaces at beginning of Tralee to Fenit Greenway route

Sep 8, 2021 17:20 By radiokerrynews
Calls for additional parking spaces at beginning of Tralee to Fenit Greenway route
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There are calls for additional parking spaces to be allocated at the beginning and along the Tralee to Fenit Greenway route.

Sinn Féin councillor Deirdre Ferris raised the issue at the recent meeting of the Tralee Municipal District. Her call was backed by several of her colleagues.

Cllr Deirdre Ferris says there are fears that cars will be left blocking entrances to houses in Fenit and she called for a parking facility to be developed. Her call was supported by Labour councillor Terry O'Brien who believed parking at the Tralee side would be a disaster, especially along the Bracker O'Regan road when the route first opens.


Fianna Fáil Cllr Johnnie Wall also believed the Mounthawk area would pose a problem when it came to parking. Sinn Féin councillor Cathal Foley and Fine Gael councillor Jim Finucane stated there was ample parking near the beginning of the route at the railway station.

Cllr Finucane said there's a goods yard at the back of the station which would have significant space for parking and he proposed the council meet with Irish Rail to discuss using it. Kerry County Council told the meeting that prior to the opening of the Tralee to Fenit Greenway, the current car park in Fenit will be developed in accordance with the Section 38 adopted by the members in March 2021.

There are no plans to provide additional car parking capacity in the vicinity of the Tralee trail head as it's anticipated that users will join the amenity at multiple access points throughout the town, according to the council. The council adds additional funding has been secured for cycling infrastructure in the town which would provide as a link with the northern side of the town.

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