
Call for more sheltered housing for older people similar to Rathmore scheme

Aug 6, 2020 13:37 By radiokerrynews
Call for more sheltered housing for older people similar to Rathmore scheme
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COVID-19 should compel us, as a society, to look at care for older people. That’s according to Maura Walsh, manager of local development

COVID-19 should compel us, as a society, to look at care for older people.

That’s according to Maura Walsh, manager of local development company, IRD Duhallow, which serves East Kerry and North Cork.

It provides meals-on-wheels, laundry, and a phone call service to keep in touch with the community.


Ms Walsh says the pandemic has highlighted the need to develop more sheltered housing for older people in Kerry and across the country.

She believes nursing homes aren't appropriate for everyone, and says the 31 houses for older people developed by Rathmore Social Action Group are a shining example that could be followed.



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