
Call for Kerry people to join Ballinskelligs housing workshop

Mar 24, 2023 13:06 By radiokerrynews
Call for Kerry people to join Ballinskelligs housing workshop
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An event is being held looking at the potential for community-led affordable housing in the South Kerry gaeltacht.

It’ll feature an exhibition and public workshops, as well as focusing on a Housing Needs Assessment being completed for Gaeltacht Uíbh Ráthaigh.

A second event will focus on bringing existing vacant property in need of renovation into the affordable rental market.




A public event is being held in An Halla Pobail in Ballinskelligs next Wednesday (March 29th) from 2 to 4.30pm.


At this, people can learn what community-led housing is, and are being asked to help identify what kind of homes are needed in An Ghaeltacht Uíbh Ráthaigh.

A workshop for potential future residents will take place at 3pm and 3.45pm, and these will be complimented by a small exhibition on rural community-led housing.

It’s aimed at those in need of affordable year-round housing in South Kerry, as well as community stakeholders and organisations in Uíbh Ráthach.


It’s being facilitated by Self-Organised Architecture (SOA Research CLG) and Tascfhórsa Uíbh Ráthaigh.

This event will prepare the ground for two further events, which will be aimed at potential future residents, and will take place in the coming weeks.

Meanwhile, next Tuesday, an event will be held in Dromid, focusing on bringing existing vacant property in need of renovation into the affordable rental market.


This meeting will be at 7pm in Ionad na Dromod, and is open to anyone with an interest in this aspect of housing provision.

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