
Call to address resourcing and staff retention in mental health units around the country

Jul 3, 2020 13:01 By radiokerrynews
Call to address resourcing and staff retention in mental health units around the country
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The new government will have to address resourcing and staff retention in mental health units around the country. John Saunders, Chairperson of the Mental Health

The new government will have to address resourcing and staff retention in mental health units around the country.

John Saunders, Chairperson of the Mental Health Commission, is making the call, following the publication of the commission’s 2019 annual report.

The report found the Sliabh Mis Mental Health Admission Unit in University Hospital Kerry received a compliance rating of 58%, the third lowest in the country.


John Saunders says the report highlights the varying standards at units around the country, with many of the matters being considered fundamental issues, including cleanliness, privacy and space.

The compliance ratings of the Sliabh Mis Mental Health Admission Unit in UHK were among the lowest in the country, with overcapacity being highlighted.

However, John Saunders says staff nationwide are working in difficult conditions due to the issues around demand on services, resources available and appropriate training of staff.


He says there’s hope with the new government.



In response to the report, Cork Kerry Community Healthcare says at the time of the Mental Health Commission visit in February 2019, Sliabh Mis was in the middle of a significant and ambitious refurbishment project.

The commission has visited the refurbished unit and are now satisfied that the issues regarding the premises are addressed.

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