The Bishop of Kerry has issued a statement ahead of the general election in which he was critical of abortion and assisted dying.
Bishop Ray Browne says the fundamental value and dignity of human life is being undermined at both the start and end of life.
He says in a world where medical advances and major progress have been made, the right to life of every human being from conception to the moment of natural death can be respected.
The Bishop of Kerry is urging people to share their views on assisted dying with candidates during the election campaign.
Bishop Ray Browne says he prays this general election campaign will be conducted in a good spirit, and that everyone entitled to vote will be motivated to do so.
He also stated as the election campaign continues it is good to appreciate and say thank you to all who served as TD’s and Senators and members of government in the term that is ending, and he extended his appreciation for everyone going forward for election, and to their supporters who are campaigning tirelessly on their behalf.
Bishop Ray Browne stated the Dail term that is ending coped with the Covid pandemic; wars in Ukraine, the Middle East and many other countries; climate change and biodiversity issues; and the inward migration of peoples fleeing poverty and conflicts.