
An Bórd Pleanála overrules council in refusing Inch camping site

Mar 18, 2024 13:10 By radiokerrynews
An Bórd Pleanála overrules council in refusing Inch camping site
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An Bórd Pleanála has refused retention permission for a camping site in Inch.

Mark, George, and Zara Hussain had applied for retention permission for both an existing short-term stay camping site and renovation works to existing toilets and site.

Kerry County Council granted retention permission over 18 months ago, but this was appealed to An Bórd Pleanála, which has now decided to overrule the local authority.


The applicants proposed to retain the existing short-term stay camping site, known as Inch Beach Camp Site, and retain the alteration and renovation works to the existing toilets and site.

They also proposed to construct an extension to the existing toilets, a new reception building, and extend the camp site with access to same.

In its report, An Bórd Pleanála says it is now refusing permission for the development.


It says an extensive area of the subject site lies within the boundaries of the Dingle Peninsula Special Protection Area, and also borders both the Castlemaine Harbour Special Area of Conservation, and the Castlemaine Harbour Special Protection Area.

The report said an appropriate assessment is required in the first instance, and prior to any grant of permission, and there were gaps in information in the submitted Natura Impact Statement.

The Board writes it is precluded from granting permission for retention of unauthorised development, as to do so would frustrate the requirements of the Habitats and Birds Direcives.


It added it does not consider it appropriate to extract elements of the proposed development from the associated retention elements in order to grant permission.


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