
Almost €100,000 awarded to local biodiversity projects in Kerry

May 18, 2024 12:31 By radiokerrynews
Almost €100,000 awarded to local biodiversity projects in Kerry
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Almost 100,000 euro (€97,141) in funding has been awarded to local biodiversity projects in Kerry.

Nine community projects across the county received the grants through the Local Biodiversity Action Fund.

Kerry County Council is building a strategic alliance for the management of marine biodiversity.


All well as his, projects targeting invasive alien species, studies into the lesser horseshoe bat, biodiversity on council land, and into the Irish mayfly, and educational projects for both pupils and teachers, all received funding.

Minister of State for Nature, Malcolm Noonan, awarded 2.8 million euro in funding across all 31 local authorities under the Local Biodiversity Action Fund.

Project Name Amount
Recording Irish mayfly – establishing conservation status €1,289
Kerry Biosphere Rainwater Garden Initiative €6,375
Delivering Climate Action Training to Teachers in Kerry €7,650
Pilot Ground Truthing of the VWT modelling of landscape connectivity for Lesser Horseshoe Bats €8,183
Mapping Biodiversity on Local Authority Land Banks Kerry €8,500
Coastal Conservation in Kerry €8,500
Learning for nature in Kerry €12,750
Building a Strategic Alliance for the Management of Marine Biodiversity €13,294
IAS Eradication in Dingle/Castleisland MD and Listowel MD areas €30,600
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