
Almost 110,000 driving licences held in Kerry at the end of 2021

Jan 14, 2023 15:04 By radiokerrynews
Almost 110,000 driving licences held in Kerry at the end of 2021
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There were almost 110,000 (109,666) driving licences held in Kerry at the end of 2021.

That’s according to figures released by the Central Statistics Office.

The Transport Omnibus report for 2021, shows a total of over 3.2 million (3,257,621) driving licenses were held nationally.


A total of 109,666 driving licenses were held in Kerry at the end of 2021.

The Transport Omnibus report, shows Over 86,500 (86,702) of those were full ten-year licenses.

Just under 14,500 (14,499) were triennial licenses and there were 214 annual licenses in the county.


Meanwhile, the statistics show there were 8,251 learner permits in Kerry for the year.

Nationally, over 3.25 million (3,257,621) driving licenses were held at the end of 2021.

Over 304,000 (304,065) driving learner permits were held across the country.


There were over 165,000 (167,617) applications made for driving tests in 2021, more than 142,000 (142,320) tests were conducted, while over 3,000 (3,303) applicants did not attend their driving test appointment, while the number on the driving test waiting list at end of 2021, exceeded 66,000 (66,052)

The average waiting time for a test invite to be issued at the end of the year was 7.9 weeks, while the driving test average pass rate was more than 55% (55.2%).

There were 164 testers employed at the end of 2021.


Meanwhile, the number of driver theory tests conducted in the year was almost 202,000 (201,915), which returned a 73.5% pass rate

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