
Accommodation in Killarney to be provided for 70 people seeking international protection

Nov 1, 2023 13:20 By radiokerrynews
Accommodation in Killarney to be provided for 70 people seeking international protection
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Accommodation in Killarney is to be provided for 70 people seeking international protection.

This morning county councillors for the Killarney Municipal District received a letter from the Department of Integration informing them of the news.

The department says temporary emergency accommodation will be provided at the Harmony Inn trading as Kingscourt Inn on the Muckross Road.


The department’s letter says the housing will be for male applicants seeking international protection.

Residents will be accommodated across 22 rooms in the Killarney guest house.

The letter from the Department of Integration doesn’t state when the people will arrive.


The letter points out that the International Protection Accommodation Services, (IPAS), which is under the department’s remit, says that the emergency nature of the response to provide accommodation means that advance communications are not as comprehensive or as early as they would like.

7,276 international protection applicants have sought refuge in Ireland this year up to September 12th while 70,840 Ukrainian refugees have been provided with accommodation by the State since Russia invaded that country in February last year.

It says effort is made to notify public representatives and State agencies in advance and that Kerry County Council has been made aware of the use of the facility.




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